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Ralf Wahlsten




Ralf is a co-founder and chairman of the board of OpenOcean, Ralf holds board memberships at RapidMiner, Nordic Telecom and HeavenHR. Before fate brought him together with the rest of the Swedish-speaking Finns in Helsinki to build OpenOcean, he had been an active angel investor, as well as a key advisor to the MySQL founders from the company’s inception, helping them develop their first business plan, strengthening the Board, and hiring the CEO – up until the exit to Sun Microsystems. With a Management Consulting background, Ralf has broad experience in areas like Corporate and Business Strategy Development, Business process reengineering and Marketing Strategy from top consulting firms like AT Kearney, Booz-Allen and Indevo. Ralf is also a co-founder of MariaDB. He holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (Aalto University).

Investment theme coverage

Data Infrastructure
Open Source


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Our Investment Into Droppe

We are proud to announce that OpenOcean led Droppe’s 3,9M€ seed funding round. Droppe, a pioneering Finnish company in B2B distribution, is changing the way how businesses source, order and manage supplies. Their platform enables direct shipments from suppliers to customers, making supply chains more efficient and sustainable.
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Portfolio Spotlight: Operations1

We are thrilled to share the story of Operations1, a company that revolutionises industrial operations with a user-friendly digital platform for work instructions, enabling companies to achieve operational excellence, improve quality and reduce costs.
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Our Investment Into Purple Dot

We are excited to back Purple Dot, a London-based pre-ordering and waiting list platform.