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Paul Samuelson

Mirva Laatunen

Investment Analyst



Mirva has extensive experience from the data and technology industry. Before joining OpenOcean, she worked as a Product Lead at Wolt, managing the development of customer support tooling and internal MarTech products. Prior to that, Mirva held various roles at the Norwegian software company Visma, culminating in her position as a Data Scientist, focusing on setting up practices for product data analytics for ERP products. Mirva holds an M.Sc. in Economics from Aalto University and is currently pursuing another M.Sc. in Engineering Physics and Applied Mathematics at the same university. During her economics studies Mirva worked at Startuplifers, an organisation originating from Aaltoes, sending Nordic talent to work at startups in San Francisco. Additionally, Mirva has gained international experience in China, where she studied both during her university and high school years.

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Our Investment Into Droppe

We are proud to announce that OpenOcean led Droppe’s 3,9M€ seed funding round. Droppe, a pioneering Finnish company in B2B distribution, is changing the way how businesses source, order and manage supplies. Their platform enables direct shipments from suppliers to customers, making supply chains more efficient and sustainable.
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Portfolio Spotlight: Operations1

We are thrilled to share the story of Operations1, a company that revolutionises industrial operations with a user-friendly digital platform for work instructions, enabling companies to achieve operational excellence, improve quality and reduce costs.
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Our Investment Into Purple Dot

We are excited to back Purple Dot, a London-based pre-ordering and waiting list platform.